Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stretch Thyself

Recently shot a Sammy Hagar music video at Chapman University. Song is called "LOUD," and it's rather quite rockin' out! Not sure when and where it will air...speaking of which, the Wayne Brady "You&Me" video is playing on his site. If you look hard enough, you might see part of a blade of my hair on the left side of the screen...yeah...but, still fun to do and be a part of. So why the title Stretch Myself? Because I am in an intermediate Improv class at South Coast Rep that is a challenge for me. Everyone else in the class has had improv classes and/or a lot of theater. Yikes. You really gotta think fast and have lots 'o trivia stored away. I'm having a hard time even accessing "six one word movie titles" in about 20-seconds and that's just during the warm-up exercises. Anyway, I'm feeling a bit anxious about all of it, but I know that's a good thing! Instructor and classmates way cool, too! Also, I just signed a contract to voice and edit for an audio book company. I have a beautifully-written, ancient literature piece called Adam Bede that is "kickin' my ass," and is certainly a big s t r e t c h for me as a VO artist - the endurance aspect of it, really. The text is quite enjoyable, thank goodness, although I have to read a bunch of Huckleberry Finn-like slang such as "we'i wenup to the brook and sawitdunn fullo'rain"......and, finally, this isn't a stretch, but I just landed a role as a reporter in a non-union feature film. This is one of the roles that I have been wanting to play - a natural fit, I would think, so I'm looking forward to reporting about a dead body or something like that! I kind of feel good about 2009, which seems odd, since our economy is in such turmoil. But, we have new national leadership, and I am getting some work, so I'll ride this positive momentum as long as I can!

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